Do you ask yourself, should I make an appointment before visiting my dentist? Doing your research and booking your appointment with your dentist early on before travelling to Mexico has a lot of benefits. However, you may be surprised that the answer to this question is either a yes or no, but probably it depends on the situation you are in.
If you plan to visit your dentist during peak season (December-March) in Mexico or particularly in Los Algodones, then you probably need to book an appointment. At this time, expect that there are long border waits and clinic waits. Most hotels and restaurants are jam packed too so it’s better to book early not just your dentist’s appointment, but also your reservations for airfare and hotel accommodation. This will help avoid the long waits so that you can still enjoy your dental experience.

If you’re travelling to Mexico to have specialty dentistry work done like placing veneers or a root canal (or any dental procedure that needs numbing or sedation), then the best way would be to research beforehand and book an appointment. In fact, you also need to go one step ahead to make sure you get to book the exact dentist you need.
Another situation to consider is that most special procedures involve pain and you might need a sedative or anxiolytic like Valium. In Mexico, sedation and nitrous oxide (gas) is not a standard procedure unlike in Canada and the US where you can opt to be sedated for every treatment, even when your dentist is placing a simple dental filling on one tooth.
However, you can opt to have a local anesthetic but for patients who require anxiety or sedation, it is important to book and research for a dentist who performs this or can contact a licensed anesthesiologist beforehand, so your treatment will be less stressful. This way, your dentist will know what to do in case you need sedation and the licensed anesthesiologist will be contacted beforehand.
If you’re just travelling to Mexico for a dental cleaning or any simple dental procedure, you can go to the dentist without booking an appointment. Because of the array of dental offices that can provide this simple dental service, you can just be a walk-in patient! In 15-20 minutes you might be done and you can go back to enjoy that margarita or fish tacos you’ve been craving for in Mexico!
If you have questions regarding making an appointment before visiting your dentist in Mexico or in any other border city like Los Algodones, Tecate, Tijuana and Mexicali, please do not hesitate to contact us!